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Once your braces or aligners come off, and your gorgeous new smile is revealed, the most important phase of orthodontic treatment is just beginning - the retention phase. If you want to keep the straight smile you worked so hard for, it’s important to wear a retainer.

Why do I need to wear a retainer?

After treatment, your teeth will naturally want to shift back to their original positions. If you don’t wear a retainer to hold your teeth in alignment, you will slowly lose your beautiful new smile. That’s why it’s important to wear the custom retainer we provide you exactly as instructed.

The retention phase usually lasts long term. You will be asked to wear your retainer day and night at first, and will then be able to change to night-time only wear when instructed to do so. Here at Chesterfield Orthodontics we see patients for 12 months after treatment, however to prevent movement of your teeth in the future, retainers are recommended to be worn for life.

Why do I need to wear a retainer?

Types of retainers

At Chesterfield Orthodontics, we offer two types of retainers to our patients: fixed retainers and removable retainers.

Fixed retainers

Fixed retainers are small metal wires that are fixed behind your front teeth. While you won’t need to worry about misplacing your fixed retainer, you will need to practise extra care with oral hygiene, as food can get trapped around the wire if you don’t brush properly.

Removable retainers

Removable retainers look a bit like Invisalign® clear aligners. They are custom-made to fit your straightened smile exactly. These retainers are very discreet, and can be taken out for meals and important events - just as long as you remember to put them back in!

Types of retainers

How should I care for my removable retainer?

If you have a removable retainer it’s important to take good care of it. This includes:

  • Removing your retainer before brushing your teeth
  • Gently cleaning your retainer before placing it back in your mouth
  • Taking your retainers out before eating, drinking (except for still water) or swimming
  • Keeping your retainers in their case (not a napkin) when removed so they don’t get thrown away on accident
  • Bringing your retainers with you to any after-care appointments
  • Keeping your retainers away from hot water, the washing machine and pets
  • Contacting our team straight away if your retainers become lost or broken
How should I care for my removable retainer?

Enjoy your results for a lifetime

With proper retention, your straight smile should last you for years. If you have any additional questions about retainers, please contact us so we can assist you. And, if you haven’t started treatment yet, then book your first consultation so we can begin!

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